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OppAttune tracks the evolution of oppositional extreme ideologies and protectionist decision-making, develops an innovative attunement model and tests a series of interventions at the national and transnational levels which limit the spread of extremism


To track the evolution of extreme political narratives in three keys areas: the on-line and off-line media, citizen decision-making, local neighbourhoods and living democracies. Tracking will establish the psychological, sociological, and anthropological drivers of extremism


To attune the public’s capacity for dialogue by modelling how the evolution of extreme political narratives impact social and political dialogue within everyday contexts

To limit the evolution of extreme narratives and their potential for political transformations which disrupt democratic processes, such as elections and referendums.

A Working Objective

The working objectives of OppAttune are to understand the evolution and parameters of everyday extremism. Where it starts, in what local contexts, and in what actions. How it relates to violent political extremism but equally how it relates to citizen activism, social movements, and pathways within democracy. In order to limit the spread of extreme political narratives we will establish a set of benchmarking metrics on everyday extremism

Why OppAttune?

The idea of OppAttune was developed to acknowledge and harness the vital role that oppositional thinking and behaviour plays in politics and the democratic process. But equally to acknowledge that the same oppositional thinking leads to a divisive ‘us’ and ‘them’ logic, which connects to polarisation. Oppositional politics often mobilises a sense of threat and risk. OppAttune defines extremism as a wish to remove or annihilate the other person or party.

OppAttune develops an attunement model which will limit the evolution of extreme political narratives. The process of attunement will enable specific political situations – such as elections and referenda – which inevitably become oppositional to remain in tune between the relevant parties.

OppAttune’s main innovation will be to develop an Attunement Model for six key target groups: the general public, young citizens, media influencers, practitioners & policymakers, political actors, and the scientific research community. The model will enable citizens to understand, analyse and develop democratic capacity to engage in public dialogue within oppositional politics. OppAttune will implement this Attunement Model within Year 3 and provide the European Commission and the target groups with recommendations and strategies for building citizen’s democratic capacity.

This will allow stakeholders to operate within oppositional political environments – in particular the ability to detect and reject extreme narratives. OppAttune will do this by explicitly focusing on both the means through which democratic practices are engaged in everyday life (through local community interactions and social media) and the shared messages that, potentially, threaten democratic practices by promoting extreme narratives

Media, Machines & Mobilisation


Everyday Extremism in Sweden: How Online Narratives Normalise Radical Views

By OppAttune PhD candidate Jullietta Stoencheva and Professor Biljana Mileva Boshkoska In the digital age, online platforms have become the…
Media, Machines & Mobilisation

The final rally of the FPÖ at Viktor-Adler-Markt

Miriam Haselbacher and Ursula Reeger, Vienna 7 June 2024 Foto 1: Announcement of the election campaign event at Viktor-Adler-Markt, displayed…
Media, Machines & Mobilisation

Politicising Children’s Day: Campaigns and controversies in Sofia

Jullietta Stoencheva, Sofia June 1, 2024   In Bulgaria, June 1st is traditionally known as Children’s Day – a day…
Media, Machines & Mobilisation

The Swedish Democrats rally in Helsingborg

Jullietta Stoencheva, Helsingborg, May 28, 2024   Party flags and pyrotechnics as SD leader Jimmie Åkesson enters the stage. The…

News, Events & Blogs


Six months after the mid-term review meeting in Berlin

Six months after the mid-term review meeting in Berlin, the OppAttune project has been praised by the European Commission’s external…

OppAttune Mid-Term Review Meeting – Berlin

The OppAttune Mid-Term Review Meeting, held in Berlin on 23-24 April 2024, brought together representatives from 17 partner organisations across Europe.…

Second Conference on Countering Extremism and Terrorism and the participation of the Iraqi research team of HHRO

Introduction: In light of the growing phenomenon of extremism and terrorism that threatens societal peace, the Holy Shrine of Imam…

Collaboration with BBC Morning Live

On the 19th of June, our Scientific Lead, Professor Kesi Mahendran, and Dr. Gordon Sammut met with BBC Morning Live…

Why is it important to understand extreme political narratives?

Democracies and the European project are under threat because of rising extremism. Extreme political narratives have emerged as a result of austerity, economic insecurities, and the on-going refugee-related crises. In recent years, extreme political narratives have also been exacerbated by the global Covid-19 pandemic

These extreme narratives foster an ‘Us vs. Them’ logic where mistrust, disinformation, and conspiracy theories can thrive. Such narratives create alternative information sources that offer appealingly simple solutions to complex issues and manifest into mainstream political discourse to disrupt democratic growth. Understanding extreme political narratives using the Attunement tool-kit provided by OppAttune will allow both organisations and individuals to engage with oppositional politics and foster productive dialogue.

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